Moxibustion Visit: $25
Traditionally Moxibustion is combined with acupuncture but can also be used as a stand-alone therapy technique. The traditional name for moxibustion is “Jiǔ” and traditionally involves burning herbs such as Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris) and fanning the smoke over the acupuncture needles. Moxibustion as a stand-alone therapy involves placing tiny stick-on herb rolls directly on the skin. Another method often used is placing the herb rolls on the acupuncture needle itself.
The concept behind moxibustion is to increase blood circulation at localized sites of the body by triggering certain warming receptors at specific sites. It is common for patients to feel a warmth, heat, and pressure sensation at the site of moxibustion. Recent research shows that moxibustion therapy can be used as a therapeutic technique for localized pain such as tennis elbow, cold sensations, and arthritis. At Ally Acupuncture we use three different moxibustion techniques: the traditional technique of using fanning the herb smoke over the acupuncture needles, the stick-on herb rolls, and placing the tiny herb rolls directly on the acupuncture needles. We also have the option of smokeless stick-on herb rolls, which is beneficial to those who may have sensitivities to smoke.
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